Dua penyihir Steve Jobs & Bill Gates dan sosok setelah mereka

Mungkin di antara kita masih ingat ketika Bill Gates secara perlahan mundur dari CEO Microsoft namun beliau masih memegang Chief Software Architect pada tahun 2000 hingga puncaknya pada tahun 2008 Bill Gates benar-benar mundur sama sekali dari Microsoft untuk secara full time bekerja di lembaga sosial yang dimilikinya yang bernama Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Sejak itulah kita lebih banyak menyaksikan Steve Ballmer CEO Microsoft pengganti Bill Gates kerap kali tampil dalam setiap peluncuran product Microsoft. Sedangkan Sang founder Bill Gates sudah jarang bahkan hampir tidak pernah lagi tampil pada setiap peluncuran product Microsoft.

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Lotus Notes error: “CWPCA8522E: Application did not get installed…”

Problem :
When you open mailbox client on Lotus Notes Standard Edition 8.5.1 with FP5 installed, randomly will raise an error “CWPCA8522E Application did not get installed”

Cause :
According to https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21444533, commonly there are multiple XML files defined in the Composite Application portion of the application referenced in the error message. In my experience when you installed Lotus Notes Standard 8.5.1 Fix Patch 5 randomly caused this error.

To fix, delete the following folders under the Data folder:



Restart the Notes client.
Thanks to Stephan Bovet for his post on the 8.5 forum for this solution.

Android Market soon will be a market leader for mobile app store

according to Distimo Observes, in the next 5 months Android market will be projected become the world’s biggest mobile app store, it means soon will break Apple App Store dominations for mobile app store.

Here is the complete graph from Jan 2011-Jun 2011

Android Market growth’s from Jan 2011 about 151,036 apps to Jun 2011 about 332,114. The estimates growth percentages are about 239% annually. It means in the end of year 2011, Android market will be hold of total 513,192 apps compare with Apple with iPad and iPhone App Store in the end of year 2011 will be hold only of total 569,862 apps (growth 44% for iPhone app store and 70% for iPad App Store annually (average both total 50% annually)

Apple domination seems to be over in the next year.

Need Lotus Notes Traveler for Android…Natively

Recently I’ve bought Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100) with Android 2.3.3 Gingerbread system. Truly, it is an awesome device with Live Wallpaper, Widget, a lot of free software, corning gorilla glass (anti stretch glass), it is superior compare with iphone4 (apple should fear this).

I’ve already knew since Lotus Notes Traveler has support Android devices. In my recent article, i was wrote that Lotus Notes Traveler has support IOS (iphone, ipad, ipod) and it was easy to setup, no additional software installed just use Exchange Active Sync Account, your lotus notes mail will be deliver to your devices.

But in android system, you must to install Lotus Notes Traveler application in order to push your lotus notes email but unfortunately, it wasn’t running natively. It means if you want to check your calendar, you must tap traveler calendar icon and if you want to check your mail, you must tap traveler mail icon, except for contact you can view lotus notes address book natively (built in within your devices).

Even may be you have Exchange Active Sync account on your devices like mine, it is not working (or may be you’ve some tricks? please share and write comment below this article).

I know, Android system has been installed on many devices not like Symbian only works on Nokia, IOS work only on iphone, etc devices, it means more add complexity but I think IBM should think to make Traveler running natively not through additional apps, so we can see calendar, contacts and mail even widget in Android Devices built-in software not additional software like Symbian, Apple does even on Blackberry no additional apps to push/sync your email, contact and calendar.

Hope IBM Lotus team will read my blog…


Frustrating to start Lotus Sametime Stmux Service

This Friday is a freaky day because suddenly after I’ve restarted our sametime server, all user can’t log in to sametime.
first things first, I was checked my windows firewall is ok, all open has been open. But when I’ve checked sametime service, i’ve seen stmux.exe (Sametime Community Multiplexor) was failed to running. I’ve already start manually but it failed to start.

Then I was check on sametime.log, I was found these messages :
” I Mux 19/Aug/11, 19:59:56 Listeners and CBR conflict!: Cannot route to port=80, ip=x.x.x.x (http server). exiting!”

That’s why stmux.exe (sametime services) was failed to run…

On the next step, I was go to server document – ports – internet ports – web tab and I was found on TCP/IP number is port 80. I thought may be this port cause stmux service problem, so I was changed these port to 8080 and magically stmux service is now running again.

Then in the next step I can sleep well and having dinner with my family