It is very important to install SSL certificate on web server in this era. Therefore it is mandatory to install SSL certificate on Web server . In this article, I will show you how to install SSL on Sage X3. Sage X3 is a web-based ERP.
Please make sure you have backup/snapshot the server before install SSL.
Here are the steps to create third party SSL from CA (Certificate Authorities) and import it to Sage X3 :
First, we need to generate CSR. Step 1 to 6 explain how to generate CSR using OpenSSL.
- Install Win 64 OpenSSL X64 on your PC
- Go to
- Fill the certificate details below
- Klik Generate. Copy n paste the command on the right box
- Copy n paste the command to Command Prompt
- It will produced two files as follows (assumptions the key is not encrypted (blank password) : sage_yourdomain_com.csr and sage_yourdomain_com.key
- Open the .csr using Notepad. Copy n paste certificate text to Certificate Authority (Rapid SSL, Comodo, GoDaddy, etc)
- The Certificate Authority usually will issue 3 certificates as follow : Root certificate, Intermediate certificate and server certificate.
- Joint the three certificates using this format below via notepad and save as sage_yourdomain_com.pem
- Open Sage X3. Go to Administration – Certificates – Certificates
- Klik New Certificates
- Fill the field below :
- Name :
- Description : Public Certificate
- Certificate : Browse to sage_yourdomain_com.pem (.pem files)
- Private Key : Browse to sage_yourdomain_com.key (.key files)
- Passphrase : .key password if available.
- Choose appropriate Server, others leave blank
- If successfully saved, it will create new certificates list as below :
- Go to Administration – Server – Hosts
- Klik Edit
- Change to port 443 (optional). Make sure SSL option has been checked and Choose Server Certificate to
- Then click Save.
- Then click Yes to restart services.
- Restart Sage X3 application server
- Try to access sage x3 using SSL on your browser. Access via HTTP now is no longer accessible
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