How to setup SSL on Sage X3 (EM)

It is very important to install SSL certificate on web server in this era. Therefore it is mandatory to install SSL certificate on Web server . In this article, I will show you how to install SSL on Sage X3. Sage X3 is a web-based ERP.

Please make sure you have backup/snapshot the server before install SSL.

Here are the steps to create third party SSL from CA (Certificate Authorities) and import it to Sage X3 :

First, we need to generate CSR. Step 1 to 6 explain how to generate CSR using OpenSSL.

  1. Install Win 64 OpenSSL X64 on your PC
  2. Go to
  3. Fill the certificate details below
    Digicert SSL CSR Generator
  4. Klik Generate. Copy n paste the command on the right box
  5. Copy n paste the command to Command Prompt
  6. It will produced two files as follows (assumptions the key is not encrypted (blank password) : sage_yourdomain_com.csr and sage_yourdomain_com.key
  7. Open the .csr using Notepad. Copy n paste certificate text to Certificate Authority (Rapid SSL, Comodo, GoDaddy, etc)
  8. The Certificate Authority usually will issue 3 certificates as follow : Root certificate, Intermediate certificate and server certificate.
  9. Joint the three certificates using this format below via notepad and save as sage_yourdomain_com.pem
  10. Open Sage X3. Go to Administration – Certificates – Certificates
  11. Klik New Certificates
  12. Fill the field below :
    • Name :
    • Description : Public Certificate
    • Certificate : Browse to sage_yourdomain_com.pem (.pem files)
    • Private Key : Browse to sage_yourdomain_com.key (.key files)
    • Passphrase : .key password if available.
  13. Choose appropriate Server, others leave blank
  14. If successfully saved, it will create new certificates list as below :
  15. Go to Administration – Server – Hosts
  16. Klik Edit
  17. Change to port 443 (optional). Make sure SSL option has been checked and Choose Server Certificate to
  18. Then click Save.
  19. Then click Yes to restart services.
  20. Restart Sage X3 application server
  21. Try to access sage x3 using SSL on your browser. Access via HTTP now is no longer accessible

Sources :

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