Symptoms :
When you open the email, especially from outside your corporate domain (mostly HTML format), the mail will takes a very long time to be opened.
Cause :
It will happened when you install Lotus Notes 8.5 Standard / Eclipse Edition & Internet Explorer 8. If you have process monitor installed, you can view that notes2.exe will check all sites (Restricted Sites) are in Internet Explorer 8 internet settings. After that notes2.exe do query open in file “C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\framework\rcp\eclipse\plugins\org\eclipse\osgi\framework\internal\protocol\about\Handler.class” but the result is not found repeatly (may be hundred times according the restricted sites amount). Then the email will be opened after 1-2 minutes query.
Solution :
<< Backup your registry before delete some keys >>
You have to delete all Restricted Sites list from Internet Explorer settings in Tools – Internet Options – Security – Restricted Sites – Sites. Or you can remove the list manually from registry in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains & \EscDomains & \Ranges. Also remove in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap.
Another good solution is…
File – Preferences – Basic Notes Client Configuration – Cek “Disable embedded browser for MIME mail”. thank’s Carlos for this great solution.
Notes :
Is it bugs or not?